Pozo de Nieve

Pozo de Nieve

A Pozo de Nieve was a traditional architectural construction used to store and preserve ice for distribution and sale that was mainly used to preserve and refrigerate food, beverages and medicines.
It is documented from the mid-18th century, although its construction may date several decades earlier. In the Municipal Archive of Campo de Criptana, we can find some documents about its functioning, dating from the 18th and 19th centuries.

The Campo de Criptana Pozo de Nieve has a circular floor plan and a cylindrical shape with a diameter of more than six metres and a depth of almost seven and a half metres. The interior is lined with irregular quartzite stone masonry with brown plaster.
It had two floors and two entrance doors, one on the lower floor of the north façade and another, elevated, on the upper floor of the west façade, which was accessed by a staircase with several steps. The roof was hipped.

The building was square in plan, almost eight and a half metres on each side, and the walls were seventy-five centimetres thick. The building was surrounded by an extensive threshing floor paved with quartzite cobbles.


Useful information:

  • Address: Next to the Ermita del Cristo de Villajos | Campo de Criptana
  • Opening hours:
    Consult Tourist Office for Visits
  • Price: Free
  • Contact: Campo de Criptana Tourist Office

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